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Technologie Super X-Fi zachytí prvotřídní systém s několika reproduktory v profesionálním studiu a přetvoří ve vašich sluchátkách stejně úžasný zážitek za použití složitých algoritmů a počítačově náročných metod na přizpůsobený zvuk vhodný pro každého jednotlivce, a to prostřednictvím propracovaného procesu Head and Ear-Mapping.

Před vyzkoušením sestavy Super X-Fi Amp+Aurvana jsem si nejprve poslechl nahrávku na propracovaném systému prostorového zvuku. Byl jsem úplně hotový z toho, jak podobně oba systémy zněly.

- Trevor Tan,
The Straits Times

Jako první na světě je čip SXFI speciálně navržen tak, aby podporoval technologii Super X-Fi, a je integrován do celé naší řady produktů SXFI. Umožňuje tak uživatelům užívat si oceňovaný holografický zvuk pohodlně v různých tvarových faktorech a v různých zařízeních a platformách.


Bluetooth a USB sluchátka s integrovanou technologií Super X-Fi pro přizpůsobený holografický zvuk


USB sluchátka s integrovanou technologií Super X-Fi pro přizpůsobený holografický zvuk


Herní náhlavní sada USB-C s technologií Super X-Fi a mikrofonem CommanderMic


Sluchátkový zesilovač Super X-Fi® pro uživatele se zařízeními Android


Hi-res 7.1 kanálová externí USB zvuková karta s D/A převodníkem, zesilovačem a technologií Super X-Fi® a sadou SmartComms Kit pro PC a Mac


USB digitálně-analogový převodník a zesilovač pro streamování her s programovatelnými tlačítky a technologií Super X-Fi


Trojnásobně zesílený vícekanálový herní soundbar s technologií Super X-Fi


Ať už sledujete filmy nebo cestujete letadlem, technologie Super X-Fi je schopná změnit videa v plnohodnotný zážitek filmového zvuku.


Užijte si prostorový efekt technologie Super X-Fi při poslechu hudby a poslechněte si, jak se zvuková scéna rozšiřuje – jako kdybyste byli v koncertním sále a poslouchali naživo! Pusťte si nějaké mono skladby ze starých dobrých časů a budete ohromeni tím, jak technologie Super X-Fi přetváří hudbu.


Užijte si hraní her díky plnohodnotným filmovým schopnostem technologie Super X-Fi! Otevře se před vámi celá zvuková scéna hry a budete mít pocit, jako kdybyste se ocitli přímo v prostředí hry.


Začněte výběrem vašeho primárního zařízení!


Vyberte si primární způsob poslechu mediálního obsahu!

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To bring this to a dongle that would just work with any headphones and be super affordable, that's really the HOLY GRAIL of headphone processing technology.

- Mark Henninger,

Creative's new Super X-Fi audio tech is FRIGGING MIND -BLOWING. The company known for Soundblaster finally has a new killer product, and you'll probably want one too.

- Aloysius Low,

The device also made straightforward stereo music tracks sound MAGICAL, as if you were in the room with the musicians playing live.

- Michael Brown,
TechHive Staff

Few things in technology are guaranteed to bring you actual joy, but Creative’s Super X-Fi just might qualify for that list.

- PC World

Our minds were simply blown away when we heard what Holography can do for audio. This isn’t virtual surround, that stuff is so last year. This is true spacial audio processing and it comes on that tiny little dongle!

- Eteknix

By processing your headphones’ signal in a way that makes your content sound like you were listening to an impossibly elegant home theater system, you can bring the theater experience with you wherever you go…

- Android Authority

The SXFI Air is one of the most compelling pairs of headphones at CES 2019.

- TechRadar

When we understood the concept of Super X-Fi, the results were nothing short of amazing. The headphones didn’t feel like headphones anymore. Creative definitely had many, many, many ‘wows’ coming from their suite at CES 2019.

- Overclock

This amp has dramatically changed how I enjoy music: it’s fun to listen to high school classics with the amp activated, making it difficult to return to listening without it.

- Sound Guys

I had a listen and was left amazed. Super X-Fi showed a lot of promise.

- Kenny Yeo, Associate Editor,
Hardware Zone

(Using Super X-Fi) I heard game clips and it was insanely effective. INSANE.

- Mark Henninger, Senior Editor,
AVS Forum

.. no one in the industry could solve this decade's-long problem. Creative's Super X-Fi could be the game changer.

- The Neo Dimension

Hands down, this was the best demo of CES—and it's the product I'm most looking forward to reviewing this year.

- PCWorld

Creative has the demo to beat at this year's CES. The company is showing an early prototype of a product it calls Super X-Fi Headphone Audio. And it blew my mind.

- TechHive

What the F***?!! . . . It was really something else I think, all of us, there was a collective gasp when the technology was demonstrated to us . . . its feels like big leap forward

- Wong Renhao
(Content Producer, Tech In Asia)

Creative ߪ looks to have finally cracked the issue of fitting full sized speakers into a pair of portable cans... I heard it through the earphones in exactly the same way I heard it via the speakers, and it was nothing short of AMAZING.

- Sherwin Loh,

It was an amazing experience totally! I've been in the business for 40 years, and that's some of the best sound I've heard. And for the price point you're going to sell it for, IT'S OBSCENE.

- John R. Ross
(CES 2018 Audio Industry Veteran)

I just finished the best demo of the show. It's not a curved TV, it's not 8K, it is, wait for it, Creative Lab's new Super X-Fi technology...And it just floors you ... it's gonna be a steal at US$150.

- Gordon Ung, Executive Editor,

Well the fact that it's going to be everyone's hands, you know, a product that everyone can afford, and it's something that is literally going to change the way people listen to things by that one little dongle.

- Vernon A
(Radio DJ, Class 95)

For a while there, I actually thought that the speakers were on, and that there was nothing coming through both cans, until I took them off to hear nothing emanating from the speakers.

- GeekCulture

This Holographic-Sound Headphone Dongle BLEW MY MIND. This mind-blowing audio technology uses acoustic mapping and holographic sound to create a headphone experience that's nearly indistinguishable from what you'd get out of a dedicated set of surround speakers.

- Michael Andronico,
Tom's Guide

You can take the headphones off, listening to again; a three— or four—thousand Dolby Atmos system, and put the headphones on, and it will sound just as good. In fact for my ears, I gotta say, it sounded better.

- Gordon Ung, Executive Editor,

I listened to the demo and it was MIND-BLOWING! The surround sound I heard from the headphone was amazing and I even took the headphones off just to confirm that I wasn't hearing the sound from the physical surround speakers. Judging from the guests' reactions, they were equally or almost as impressed as I am.

- The Neo Dimension

If you're curious about what ‘audio holography' is, Creative Labs has the goods with its Super X-Fi technology. I gave it a good listen at CES 2018, and it sounded glorious! After hearing the results, I was simply blown away. Even with all the audio products I've tested over the years, my ears were never subjected to anything quite like this.

- Ted Kritsonis,
Mobile Syrup

During the audition, the Super X-Fi system created a realistic sense of space as I listened to a soundtrack. It took the audio that would have been usually stuck between my ears and projected “outside” the confines of my head. I was able to pinpoint the sound sources in a room as well as gauge the distance between them.

- Wilson Wong,

I know, it's unbelievable that the little ‘dongle' above can give you sound as good as a 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround System (Dolby Atmos 5.1.2) but it absolutely does!

- Rylind Corolis,

As an audio engineer I readily claim that most ‘virtual' surround sound applications are junk - until now. Creative Lab's Super X-Fi blew me away.

- Adam Patrick Murray,
PC World Staff

What impresses me the most is how Super X-Fi managed to turn a standard 2.0 music track into a realistic live surround effect. It is done so well that it's as if the artist is singing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

- Warren,

I was absolutely blown away by a demo of the final, shipping product at CES 2019. It 100% matched the positioning and perceived distance of the real 7-channel surround system in the room. Absolutely could not tell it was headphones and HAD to take them off to be totally sure.

- AVS Forum

Smaller than a pack of chewing gum, the SXFI AMP is unique in simulating the sound of speakers, and the surround effect is far more convincing than any 7.1 headphone in the market.

- AVMania

Creative gave voice to the personal computer when it introduced the first SoundBlaster sound card all those years ago. And now it makes a similar revolution by allowing headphones to faithfully reproduce the "holographic" sound.

- Aktualne

Sure, plenty of headphones reviews will go on and on about a wide soundstage, but they'll stop that their tongues wagging and start their jaws dropping once they've heard Super X-Fi.

- Tech Buyer’s Guru

“This is by far one of our favorite smiles to have ever crossed our face when it comes to audio.”

- POC Network

“It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before. Without Super X-Fi, music sounds flat. With the dongle, it actually sounds like you’re at the studio or a concert. This is the best thing I saw or heard all week at CES.”


“Super X-Fi headphone amp pretty much made headphones come to life.”

- TechYesCity

of Reviews